Friday, August 28, 2009

Saddle Quality FAIL

Wow, could this thing BE more craptacular? It looks like it is made of paper and cardboard. I wouldn't trust this thing to hold up long enough to get it on the horse, much less survive having a rider on it. I can't believe people will buy stuff like this, or that someone would use this photo to attempt to sell this saddle.


  1. That quite possibly is the worst saddle you have ever featured. Does it come in pink?

  2. its gotta come in pink, or leopard.

  3. I am constantly amazed by the horrible pictures people use to sell things. I mean, it's not like you have to PAY to develop film anymore.....take 100 photos and pick the best hard is that????

    Don't think this saddle would look quite as bad if it had been posed level....and wiped down with a lightly oiled cloth.....or maybe that was too much work???

  4. That just screams 'I'M MADE IN INDIA! RIDE IN ME AND YOU'LL PROBABLY DIE OR GET SERIOUSLY INJURED!' I agree with cycle, it does look like a cockroach. I wonder if it would start to wiggle around, trying to move, and the horse would panic? No amount of good pictures will save it, it's crap. Card board painted black and that's it.

  5. I saw a Craig's List ad several months ago of a western saddle that was so covered in DUST that you could barely make out that is "was" a saddle!

    This saddle is at least clean, a close picture (some pics are so far away they are of no use), and you can see the detail.

    It does look like one of those Madagascar cockroaches.....EEEWWWWWWW!

  6. EEEWWWWWWW:,%20M90.jpg

  7. Ok, so I have to say, most dressage saddles have some amount of depth in the seat, to help you maintain your own, This one looks as if it may be designed to force you to develop a 'deep', independant seat on your own a bit more.

    But the stitching across the seat?

    All I can think of is ribbing on a condom...

    Surely not the intent of the maunfacturer. At least I hope not.

  8. I'd put money on that being a treeless saddel - hence the lack of seat depth...

    And yes, it does look like a cockroach!

  9. Is it just me or does this look like some sort of gross insect? Like a maggot or something? lol terrible.

  10. Hey...quit bashing looks more like an old banana seat with thigh flaps. It's for those that outgrew their bikes, but still want to be 'cool'.

    As long as you only ride it on the saddle rack it's on, you'll be perfectly safe.

    Besides...cockroaches aren't that ugly

  11. That looks like a tolting saddle for an Icelandic horse. Seriously. They are made specifically that way. And they are VERY expensive.

    Check it out:

  12. Heather it does look like a tolt saddle but I would say it is a cheap imitation of one. Something seems a little 'off' with the flap.

  13. What you are looking at is a special saddle designed for riding icelandic horses. It seems to be something that is called "toelt cushion". It´s build without a tree to give you close contact to the horse when training gaited horses. It is also used for pace racing icelandic horses because of its light build. The seat of this saddle is purposely designed this way to allow for optimal shifting of the riders weight - usually icelandic horses a toelted with sitting a little bit behind the normal position. Keeping this in mind this saddle seems to have a decent quality - it just lokks used. And yes, those saddle are comparable expensive. The stiching on the seat is called "rib seat" what is a traditional seat design for icelandic saddles. Actually these rib seats can be really comfortable because usually they are filled with soft wool. They allow for a pretty good ventilation, too.

  14. Here you can see some toelt cushions...they are different from toelt SADDLES, which have a tree made of wood, steel, leather or specical plastik compounds.


  16. eliwagar, I understand that it's *supposed* to be a toelt sadde, but I very much DISagree with you that the one pictured is well made.

    A blind monkey could do better.

    The saddles in the one website you posted ARE well made. They appear to be well constructed and made of mid to high grade leathers. The one above is a train wreck. It isn't just dusty or a little abused, it looks like it's made of cardboard. The padding looks so flat it's close to useless. The seat is SO uphill that I wonder how much "Sporty-Spray"** one would need to stay ON the saddle and not slide off the back!!

    I say FAIL.

    **"sporty-spray" is AWESOME stuff. for you uninititated, it's like the sticky wax stuff but you spray it on and it works much better. Just enough "tack" to work and it doesn't make a gummy mess of your boots or saddle. I even use it to keep my saddle from slipping over the top of my gel pad cover. Like freeking magic, the saddle and pads stay in the right place!

    worth every dollar, (tho you can find it for less) and lasts quite a while.

  17. I think this one might quite possibly have been made by a taxidermist moonlighting as a saddle maker. It reminds me uncomfortably of an alligator. I'm thinking he got distracted stuffing the alligator one day and blew the head...oh crap....maybe I can make a saddle out of the back?

    Seriously helpful knee rolls, yes sirree.

  18. Yeah... I wouldn't call this totally tacky. The leather is either really high quality and really expensive or really cheap. It's hard to tell at the low and high ends sometimes. xD

    But it's either a tolt SADDLE or a Didi pad, which are treeless and EXTREMELY expensive. No, I wouldn't call this a fail at all. Most commenters are simply calling it so because they think it's supposed to be a Dressage saddle or whatnot.

  19. its a old as hell ,ugly low price icelandic saddle - not a diddi sadle. I know!. any way it dosent do any good for either horse or rider.
