Monday, November 30, 2009

A Monday Moron

You know, I understand the need to show a horse at his best when selling him, but really folks, it is not necessary or safe to do shit like this...

All I can say is, it's a good thing this fellow is so calm, or the helmetless moron on his back would have her brains spattered all over the road. And could we not find a bridle with out blinkers to ride him with?


  1. Oh man I want him. He's big. He's laid back and mellow. He'd make me feel tall. <3

    And why would you just sit under a horse like that? I've seen people walk under them and crouch under but never just sit flat on their butt. He may not walk off but I'd be afraid the horse would just shift his weight and move a foot. Then you're in trouble.

  2. And on pavement? Had a friend years ago riding bareback on her calm horse on the paved street home. A dog or something spooked him, she came off, landed wrong on her head, and her daughter watched her mom die right there in the street.

  3. She should have spent more time cleaning him instead of the "Darwin award" tricks. A fall that cracks her head open like a ripe watermelon on the BLACKTOP :-O guarantees her a spot on the Darwin list.

    I bet that horse is a sweetie though - I would love to have him too!

  4. He looks like my old horse! :D
    Love those bug guys.

    Note the poo stain from his chest down his leg...and the reins tied to the saddle.

    Beauty boy he is though.

  5. totally agree that a bath and maybe having his feet trimmed would do more for the sale than the "darwin tricks"

  6. I see these peoples ads all of the time. Most, if not all, of them have pictures doing stupid shit like this. They also have a lot of kids doing it, too. Always without a helmet.

  7. The dingbat doing the stupid human tricks I am not impressed with. The lovely gray Perchie allowing said dingbat to perform like that deserves better. Word to the wise seller - show pictures of the horse DOING something - jumping, foxhunting, cutting cattle, trail riding in a group, walking/trotting/cantering will impress me so much more than standing around with a human posing on his back or sitting under him. I'm buying a horse to ride, not sit under or stand on.

  8. I love big ol grey Percherons. Idiots on them, not so much. I would so love to have him in my barn. There is a theory that drafts trained to drive in harness are freaky without blinders on. Truth be, they are much happier without them! Used to ride my mares; they had driving bridles and riding bridles. But, they did not have huge heads either.

  9. Idiots abound, just like this ad:

  10. Its actually pretty common practice to ride drafts in bridles with blinkers. Look at photos from breed shows where they're under saddle. Most, if not all, are shown in blinkers.

  11. He is a really gorgeous horse...problem is, this ad will work, because somebody will go 'Get that gorgeous boy away from the moron'.

  12. Couldn't they have at least LEAST down it on soft ground, like grass?!


  13. Why do idiots always stand on their horses' backs in sale ads? It makes me NOT want to buy the horse because its poor back and sacro-iliac joints will be completely thrown out and need to be readjusted by a chiropractor. *sigh* We're surrounded by idiots.

  14. #1: If I sit backwards, maybe no one will notice his left front and right rear hooves are not the same length as the other two. I'll distract them! Hey nearly worked.
    #2: Yup. I'm an idiot. And I'm going to endanger the dog too. So hurry up and buy him already. See? Even the saddle is the wrong size.
    #3: I'm not a great rider? So I used him to help paint the house. Just like this. You stand on his butt, see, and....

    groan groan groan

    Can I have him??

  15. Want the gigantic Poneh. He would make me look little. :)

  16. Did anyone else notice that the "reins" are really just two lead ropes clipped to the bit? ...And then tied to the

  17. It would have been funny if in the second pic he peed!
