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Monday, August 3, 2009


Wow, this was sent to me by a reader that was as, to borrow a word from FHOTD, "aghasted" as I was upon viewing it. It is, I kid you not, a fully fabric covered EMBROIDERED saddle. It looks like someone got a bit trigger happy with the embroidery machine. While an intriguing concept for embellishment on synthetic saddles, I think this one is a classic example of overkill. The big red horse shoes really detract from the otherwise not too bad floral designs. The quality also looks less than stellar. See how uneven the seams are and how poorly balanced the saddle looks overall? I also especially like the unfinished edges where the horn emerges through the fabric. A classic example of "interesting concept, needs work."


  1. Choke, Gag, Puke, Cough, Spit, Hurl, or as Wayne would say........Spew Chunks! That has got to be the ugliest saddle I've EVER seen!

  2. Looks like a cousin of the ne with peepholes torn in the fabric.

    Some horse, wisely, didn't like it and double-barreled it before it got put on. LOL.

  3. It's your grandma's saddle.. LOL

    Now she can make a nice afghan to cover the horsey when it's cold out. Who wants a piece of hard candy?

  4. It is definitely yo g'ma's saddle, I'll say that. Either that or the quilting, 20-hr-a-day cooking, never-been-on-a-horse housewife who think's it's "pretty" (sissy hand gesture included). hehehe. Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone there... I cook and crochet and such just so you know, but still wouldn't be in this saddle.

  5. eeeek I wonder how long the embroidery lasts under use. Can you see the loose threads trailing behind Granny?

    Oh, Fugs didn't coin the word "aghasted". THat's a COTHism. She's got this love/hate thing with the COTHBB. She sometimes regards us like stupid frightend deer, but still reads it and harumph, steals our fun words...

    For the record, COTH is sponsored by a magazine who has every RIGHT to control what is said on it's forum. One slanderous comment that is actionable could bring them down too.

  6. WOW what a saddle. I wonder if I could request it with huge panther paws to go along with MOJO out here? hahaha AAAhh yes, football and horses. Can't beat it.

  7. The panther paws comment reminds me of the black velvet stuff from the 80's. Wonder if there is a saddle with that motif? There seems to be everything else under the sun!

  8. Another prime example of just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    Maybe put the embroidery on a saddle COVER instead? There it would last much longer.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ask and ye shall recieve, folks I present to you the velvet AND embroidered saddle

  11. ohhhh here is another one

  12. oh look velvet AND bling




    ok ok I'll stop now.....

  15. ok this last one I just had to share. It's a fav topic of mine and a couple of my yahoo contacts

    I think Capt Jack Sparrow would even flinch at this one

  16. Turn-n-burn82 - most of the saddles you posted links to are either historical saddles, or reproductions thereof. Some are modern "bedouin" style Arab costumes, some are Egyptian dancing horse saddles.

    The pirate one is well, hideous.

  17. Oh I know they are reproductions. Still they are horribly ugly, well atleast to me:) Anywya yeah the pirate thing... wow

  18. I like the Bedouin saddles, especially the first one, which looks like the flaps are easily replaceable. I believe they still make fancy saddle covers for weddings and such. I doubt that they were made for everyday riding.

    I'm a hand embroiderer, and can appreciate the work that went on to the first one - but WHY? Your work will be ruined the first time that saddle is used for any real horse work. What a waste. Unless, of course, you have one of those fancy commercial embroidery machines where the computer does all the work. Then you could look forward to being paid for re-doing your work every 5 rides!

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