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Monday, January 11, 2010

Wow, craptacular...

Here is a craptacular saddle for you guys. It matches my craptacular state today. Sorry about the postless Friday, but I was having a major Fibro flare-up that is still bothering me today. I found this thing online somewhere, made in India (imagine that) and just had to share. Scary doesn't even begin to describe the quality (or lack thereof) and "retro" look of this thing.


  1. That doesn't look like it would fit anyone...

    ...and I don't mean the HORSE.

  2. It looks like a kid saddle. So, of course, the old cowboy types just throw anything up there because a saddle is a saddle and parents that mean well will buy this because it's cheap and a saddle.

    Of course, around here, parents just throw their kids on any horse no matter what temperment and tell them to RUN THOSE BARRELS and HANG ON AND KICK! (and I've heard them yell at the kid when she didn't want to run at full speed) Or the other extreme...Put the kid on YOUR big barrel horse and those stupid velcro leg straps. Yeehaw.

  3. A good antique or retro saddle is a fine thing to have.

    This POS??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

  4. I don't get they sloping bump part in most of the new saddles. I don't want something that's gonna force me against the cantle and feel like I am riding on a gopher mound. lol

  5. That looks like a saddle for a Breyer or a Barbie horse!!!

  6. Another fine example of,"I just don't get it." I don't get it at all, and obviously, the saddle maker REALLY doesn't get it.

  7. GROSS. I have to be honest--the saddle looks horribly balanced, the leather (if it's even leather) cheap, and the colors and design are nasty. I think it's the worst saddle you've posted, scaequestrian! Great job in finding something this gross!! :)

  8. Is it it just me, or is the front rigging too far forward? Looks like it will make the cinch ON the elbows!

    That crazy buckstitching is making my eyes water.

  9. *snork*
    I like that cheesy seam on the swell, that concho tacked on at the base of the cantle - looks like it would dig your leg.
    The whole design seems like it would keep the rider off center
    The running stitch accents on the straps are good - otherwise they would just fall apart.
    It looks like a kid saddle and I hope it is, because with that lousy design and a lightweight kid on board, it probably won't bother the poor horse too much.
    I think my little 4" mexican toy saddle that I bought for a doll ensemble is better balanced than that POS.

  10. Pat, I don't think it's just you. That's about where I'd expect to attach a breast collar...

  11. Not just craptacular -- this IS simply CRAPTASTIC!

  12. craptacular is my new favorite word. :)

    hope you feel better soon.
