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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Scary Pink Saddle of the Week

I am confused here. Why would you cover the swells and horn with icky Pepto colored leather too? Are the seat and stirrups not sufficient? Also I just don't get the whole super pale colored leather and the funky scalloped jockeys. That makes no sense, they are just kind of random looking.


  1. Without the pink, it's almost a decent saddle. Almost. There are a few things I would change, but still not bad looking overall.

    But they just had to go and ruin it by putting the pink on there. Including the lacing under the cantle to hold the flaps together back there. ICK! What are they thinking. Oh yeah. They weren't.

  2. I'm not a fan of the super pale colored leather either and paired with pepto pink it's just hideous.

  3. Horses are dirty and this pale saddle would like crap in no time. Oh already does look like crap! OK, so even MORE like crap.

  4. Ouch. Mary Kay meets Tractor Supply. Except that's not fair to TSC... sorry.

  5. You're talking about someone who thought making a PINK saddle was a good idea...and you're wondering about the scalloped jockeys?

  6. Middleagerider~

    Thanks, I snorted pop on my keyboard!

  7. THE WHOLE SADDLE IS PINK!!!!!! the seat swell and stirrups are bright, the rest is a pale pink. SOMEONE KILL ME

  8. Once the pepto color burned my eyes, I'm not sure if I'm seeing UFO mark around the trees or what...I understand poison to keep from weed eating, but 4' circles of dirt??? ADD must have kicked in.

  9. OMG, RLR you're right

    Looks like they've scorched the earth in preparation for laying mulch....
