Over the past few years, we have seen a growing trend in saddles; the treeless wonder. Now, I am not knocking this idea, I ride with what is basically a treeless. I love it. I like to feel the horse. However, with this new technology, has come a huge number of synthetic and leather models in alarming colors. Thanks to your fellow readers, I have a large variety to share with you today.

First we have this little green and tan number. It reminds me of the Army with it's olive drab and khaki color scheme. The black fenders really don't go well though and I think should have been green as well. I also question the quality here.

Here we have a popular Bob Marshall type treeless Western style in leather. It looks very well made, but the color scheme is hideous.

This is a small child's treeless saddle. I like the brown, but could do without the pink. Although it is not nearly as offensive as most I have seen. For a child on a pony it might actually be kinda cute.

Here we have another Bob Marshall-type travesty. Who on earth thought that those colors match? Blech.

Gah! Mauve? Icky, icky, icky. And why put leather on the outside of the stirrups? It doesn't help this saddle's looks at all. It also doesn't look like the best quality, something just throws me off here.

Now, I admit I LIKE this saddle. Keep in mind that not only are black and red my favorite colors, but they are also the colors of the
Kingdom of Gleann Abhann in the
SCA. It looks quite comfy and reasonably well made too.

Now, this one is kind of growing on me. I don't really like teal that much, but in this saddle it kind of works. It looks well made and secure, as well as very comfy.